Let’s start simple – SimpleViewModelBase

Let’s start simple – SimpleViewModelBase

To implement the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern, you need ViewModels that implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface.

I normally handle this by having a base class for all ViewModels to inherit.

public abstract class SimpleViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    public void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberNamestring propertyName = "")
                        new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    public bool setBackingField<T>(ref T storage, 
                                   T value,
                                   [CallerMemberNamestring propertyName = "")
        var oldValue = storage;
        if(object.Equals(storage, value))
            return false;
        storage = value;
        return true;

OnPropertyChanged() will either allow for a property to announce that it has changed

public string MyProperty
    get { return _myProperty; }
        _myProperty = value;

..or that another property has changed, by passing the name of that property.

public string LastName

setBackingField<T>() is a helper method to allow property setters to perform all of the aspect necessary for setting their backing field and calling OnPropertyChanged to reflect that change.

public string MyProperty
    get { return _myProperty; }
        setBackingField(ref _myProperty, value);

setBackingField<T>() will return a boolean informing if there was change.

ViewModels will inherit this and take advantage of the helper methods

public class PersonViewModel : SimpleViewModelBase
    private string _firstName;
    public string FirstName
        get => _firstName;
            if (setBackingField(ref _firstName, value))
                //Also inform Fullname
    private string _lastName;
    public string LastName
        get => _lastName;
            if (setBackingField(ref _lastName, value))
                //Also inform Fullname
    public string FullName
        get => $"{FirstName} {LastName}";

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