Category: Let’s Learn

Blazor 0.8.0

Blazor 0.8.0

With the continuing improvement to Blazor, Microsoft has released a few new bits to get us close to Blazor ASP.NET Components goodness.

Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2.2

.NET Core 3.0.100-preview-010184

Blazor 0.8.0

With these three updates, you can create new or upgrade existing Blazor applications to the latest and greatest.

The following ASP.NET blog shows the steps necessary to upgrade your existing project, and also shows the changes that are getting close to the release naming conventions.

Blog: Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available

Notably the term Blazor is being phased out for the official branding of ASP.NET Components.

The Blazor Namespace is now Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components, rather than Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor

BlazorComponent is now called ComponentBase.

BlazorLayoutComponent is now just LayoutComponentBase

The simple JSON parser has been replaced by Newtonsoft’s parser, a welcome addition for those of us that need the advanced features of that parser. It was previously possible to use the Newtonsoft parser, but you needed to disable IL linking, which resulted in a much larger package size.

Visual Studio 2019 now has tooling by default.

.NET 3.0 support. Previously Blazor was limited to .NET core 2.1 (not even 2.2). With this upgrade, Blazor runs nicely in 3.0, with a performance boost.

Finally there is some client/browser side debugging. This should make for far better development experience.

Blazor debugging